{pdf download} When It Hurts: Inside a Pain Management Doctor's Practice

When It Hurts: Inside a Pain Management Doctor's Practice pan Sabrina Shue, M.D., Linda Morrison Spear

Meilleurs téléchargements de livres audio When It Hurts: Inside a Pain Management Doctor's Practice par Sabrina Shue, M.D., Linda Morrison Spear in French MOBI iBook FB2 9798201421410

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  • When It Hurts: Inside a Pain Management Doctor's Practice
  • Sabrina Shue, M.D., Linda Morrison Spear
  • Format: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
  • ISBN: 9798201421410
  • Editeur: JL
  • Date de parution: 2022

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Meilleurs téléchargements de livres audio When It Hurts: Inside a Pain Management Doctor's Practice par Sabrina Shue, M.D., Linda Morrison Spear in French MOBI iBook FB2 9798201421410


To Cure Sometimes, To Relieve Often, And to Comfort Always. What moment in time do you decide you need to see a doctor? When do you seek the best help available to rid yourself of constant or intense pain?  When It Hurts: Inside a Pain Management Doctor's Practice, takes readers behind the scenes of a pain management practice and the treatments available to those suffering from chronic pain. Through the recounting of true stories When It Hurts reveals the drama, challenges, and successful outcomes of treating patients afflicted with common pain diseases; with the nation's growing opioid crisis serving as backdrop throughout.
Dr. Sabrina Shue is an interventional pain management specialist in practice for twenty years. Using simple language and actual patient cases, Dr. Shue explains the physiology and pathology of pain and diseases, and shares treatment options for common ailments, such as back pain, neck pain, shingles, sciatica, and fibromyalgia. Dr. Shue sheds light upon the different ways she manages problematic patients, the growing trend of doctor shopping, and the impact of the opioid black market on patients and doctors alike.
She also discusses her personal experiences and thoughts on navigating the current health care system, the impact on patients, and the struggles physicians face; including the challenges posed by our insurance system, the difficult path patients traverse throughout their treatment, and the precipitous increase of physician burn out. When It Hurts gives the inside track on what happens in a pain management office, with instructive information on common pain diseases.
Ultimately, Dr. Shue takes us on a compassionate journey through patient stories; to understand pain, hope, struggle, joy, humility, failure, and successful life outcomes. Dr. Sabrina Shue is donating all her profits from this book to Operation Smile.

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